Securely store, preserve, and share my data?

Securely store, preserve, and share my data?

Most funding agencies require that publicly funded research projects make their data persistently accessible and reusable to the research community and general public within a reasonable time frame.

Contact the Northwest Knowledge Network (NKN), UI’s official data repository. NKN helps researchers with the acquisition, storage, management, sharing, curation, and archival of research data in a way that fully meets the requirements of most funding agencies.

NKN can provision Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), used to permanently identify your data and make it globally discoverable. NKN maintains and cultivates connections to relevant national and international data repositories.

   If your project has a need to share data and resources securely and seamlessly across institutions and agencies, NKN provides a cloud-based collaboration and file sharing solution via ownCloud. In simple terms, ownCloud is an open-source alternative to Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive, empowering and simplifying cross-institutional research data sharing.

Learn more about data management